
October 2, 2019

Hey Google, tell me about the importance of living Development Reports

Ready to help, wherever you are! Google's version of Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri and Microsoft's Cortana is Google Assistant. It has made incredible progress since its 2016 launch and is probably the most advanced and dynamic of the assistants out there.
October 17, 2019

Developing a Phase-Appropriate CMC Matrix

The landscape of chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC) has continued to shift over time. Just a few decades ago, most drugs were developed from beginning to end by large pharma with well-defined systems of control. Today, this has significantly changed; much if not most early development (Pre-IND to Phase II) work is performed by small- to medium-size emerging biotech sponsors, many of which are virtual companies.
December 3, 2019

Phase 2 to Early Phase 3 Regulatory Opportunities: Return on Investment

To ensure scientific and commercial success, it is critical to understand the drug development process and the myriad tasks and milestones that are vital to a comprehensive development plan. Although the primary purpose of a well-designed regulatory strategy is to assure an efficient process for providing new, high quality and effective drugs for patients, it is also essential to effectively maximize the return on investment. Each step along the path to commercialization is important and an effective chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) strategy and ensuing communication plan plays an integral role in the overall success of a product.
January 30, 2020

A Feng Shui CMC Guide to 2020: Will the Year of the Rat bring you Luck?

ncorporation of phase appropriate development strategies is becoming increasingly essential to manage the balance between speed, cost and completeness during development. The possibilities for both Chemistry Manufacturing and Control (CMC) development and filing approaches range from the minimalist style to a continuously supported style.